
Latest Health News

Tips for Avoiding Irregularities

How often should one have a bowel movement? In medical school, it

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Facts about the Common Cold

The average American gets more than 100 colds in his/her lifetime, and

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Facts about GERD

In what may be a sign of die never-ending quest to give

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Asthma fact sheet

The incidence of asthma has risen dramatically in recent years. In 1980,

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Are You Up-to-Date with Your Immunizations?

Most of us make sure our kids get immunized against infectious diseases

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Tips to Manage Your Child’s Health

Many parents will find themselves seeking answers to the same old questions

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Can Wearing a Bra Cause Breast Cancer?

Do brassieres cause breast cancer? Will switching to undershirts decrease your risk?

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Methods for Avoiding Troublesome Breast Cysts

Breast cancer gets lots of media attention and rightly so. But far

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Natural Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause

Most women alive today will spend more than a third of their

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Which Over-the-Counter Pain Medication Is Best?

Deciding on a pain reliever can be tough. Advertisements that tout one

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