
Latest Health News

Unique Cancer patients Live Longer and Happier Life

In more than 30 years as a surgeon, I treated thousands of

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Healing Power of Friendship

America is in the midst of a loneliness epidemic and the isolation

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Brain Exercises to Help Keep You Mentally Sharp

I am over 70 years old. I can remember 500 names at

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What is the connection between your Mind and your Body?

When left unexpressed and unresolved, emotions such as anger, hostility and feelings

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Ways to use your mind to strengthen and heal your body

While some doctors still caution against using creative visualization and other “mind-body”

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Simple habits for a much happier, healthier life

In more than 30 years of practicing medicine, I have found that

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Important Tips to Improve Your Mind-Body Wellness

What’s the most powerful healing tool you can find? Your brain. While

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The Secret to Having Boundless Energy

Fatigue is one of the most common problems doctors are asked to

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Tips to help you stick with Exercise

Have you ever committed yourself to an exercise routine only to quickly

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An Exercise Program by Dr. Kenneth Cooper

I’ve been a fitness enthusiast for several decades. But my ideas about

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