
Latest Health News

How Do Your Emotions Affect Your Physical Health?

The flood of news about health and fitness these days can be

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All about Genetic Testing

Over the past 20 years, hundreds of diseases have been linked to

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Facts about the Medical Misinformation

It seems you can’t open a newspaper or turn on the TV

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Importance of Personal Medical Research

If you’ve been diagnosed with a serious or chronic medical condition, how

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Surprising Natural Ways to Relieve Pain

For many people, reaching for pain relievers is as instinctual as eating.

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Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

More than 20 million Americans undergo from season reactions.  Over-the counter and

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Natural treatment options for Impotence

The first step in overcoming impotence is to find out which type

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Best foods to eat if you have arthritis

Cayenne, ginger and turmeric can bring marked relief from arthritis pain. These

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Different Essential Oils and their benefits

Conventional wisdom has it that oils are something to keep out of

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Health tips from traditional Chinese medicine for relaxation and better health

Qi gong is the ancient Chinese art of relaxing, rejuvenating and healing

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